Facts & Evidence in Financial Markets, Economics, Business, & Politics in the United States and Africa
A new class war is emerging among millennials
USAID facilitated $244 million agricultural investments in Nigeria
Kenya, Côte D'Ivoire, & Rwanda are the three fastest-growing African economies of 2023
Nigeria expects a $10 billion capital injection to ease liquidity shortage
The U.S. deficit doubled in 2023, & it is now pegged at $1.7 trillion
Kenyan central bank is set to inject $668 million into the economy to address cash constraint
President Biden asks $100 billion in foreign aid but what about the needs of the American people
Poverty is reaching American suburbs as low-income people are pushed out of big cities
Nigeria seeks a $1.5 billion loan from the World Bank to support its budget & economic reforms
The United States uses AGOA to reinforce its partnership with Africa to boost trade relations
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